Thursday, February 21, 2013

Western Stuff

Hello Jammers! There is one new item today, as well as one which I missed yesterday. There were barely any Paradise Parties for me. :\

(Screenshot credit to Gringersnap of The Animal Jam Expert)
I really like this item! Once a Paradise Party comes, I'll buy it in an instant.

Now for today's item…

This pairs well with the cowboy boots. Here's a picture of what it looks like on a snow leopard:

That's all for now. See you in Jamaa!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cowboy Boots

Hello jammers! Today, the item is sold in Jam Mart Clothing.

Not really my thing… but they're cheap. For 2013, that is.

There's honestly nothing left for me to tell you all, so here is this week's Epic Den. (From the Daily Explorer.)

I'm sorry for the short and boring post today, I'm a little busy. :(

Happy exploring!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rare Item Monday– Rare Firefighter Hat

Hello Jammers! Sorry for slacking off yesterday and not posting… I half forgot and half, well, slacked off. I'm back now with some mildly exciting daily news. 

If you were wondering, the items I missed were the Hat and Wig and the Curly Hat. They are both sold in Jam Mart Clothing, and the Hat and Wig is available to non members! :)

Today is monday, so that means AJHQ has hidden a rereleased colored item in one of the shops. This time, it's in Jam Mart Clothing.

Even though on AJHQ's blog they say this will only be sold for a day, remember the Hatapalooza? A few previous RIMs came out then. 
This lilac colored hat is less expensive than some other Rare Item Mondays, and I think it's pretty cool. What about you?

Before I sign off, I just want to let you know that yesterday I had an idea and wrote a Berry The Koala entry. Click here to read it. It's not that great, but I felt bad about not posting there is so long.

That's all for now jammers. Happy exploring!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

One Year

  It's been exactly an entire year that I've played Animal Jam. An entire year of logging on almost daily, I've never stuck with a game this long. Well, unless you count Club Penguin which I've had an account on since 2006, but there were long one year periods where I didn't even think about that game.

  Animal Jam is a great game which I love, but the impacts it took on my life hurt. After I got an account the only thing I wanted to do was play Animal Jam. It limited my non-online interactions and made me less inclined to go outside. I've luckily gotten over most of that, I find the internet incredibly boring now. I rarely log on.
   But I still do, because I just don't have many real life friends who care enough to contact me. I think I just annoy them. I end up logging back on to talk with my AJ friends instead, who as far as I know don't think I'm as constantly aggravating as my real-life friends do.

  And even though the name I use here may be DoomyPanda, that's not the account I mainly log on to. It was my first one, yes, but it's just gotten bland being a member. I created a non member account which I log on to more usually. By the way, that doesn't mean I wont respond to messages sent to DoomyPanda if you're wondering.

  Animal Jam has changed since I first logged on. Even though I wasn't in the highly esteemed beta period, I remember things were different. I mean, I a panda walked into Epic Wonders one day where clan wolves were, and instead of "attacking" they calmly explained their warrior code and things to me and even offered for me to join. Nowadays that's rare.
  I also saw more people in the Township saying "Party at my den!" than "TRADE MEEEE." I don't know about what you think, but things were better back then.

  Despite all of this negativity, Animal Jam is still a good game. Better than most actually, and it doesn't matter that 98% of the kids in my school don't play it and pressure me to get one of those social network things. I don't care if I'm maybe one or two years too old to play this game, I still will love Animal Jam.   

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cherry Tree + Snow Leopard Sale

Hello jammers! Today there is one new item, sold in Jam Mart Furniture. It's not really considered "furniture" though.

My friend gave me one of these when I first became a member. I still have it. :)

This may be a little late, but there is a temporary price-cut on Snow Leopard gift cards! 

Bad thing is… It ends tomorrow. If you REALLY want one cheaply, you should probably go get one sometime soon. 

  Another thing, a few of you have commented asking where all of the birds of paradise are. I'm honestly sorry, I cant answer this question for two reasons. First one, I haven't really found all of the birds yet… Yeah, I don't have much time ^^; Secondly, I've decided to not show you where all of the Journey Book things are. The reason for that is because I think it's more fun to find them all on your own. 
  If you want to find out where they are, I suggest you try another blog for that. There are lots of Animal Jam blogs out there, on the interwebs.
That's all for today, Jammers. See you in Jamaa, and happy exploring!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birds of Paradise!

Hello players of Animal Jam! This new update is particularly exciting with a new party, a new Journey Book, and National Geographic is celebrating 125 years!

First, here are some interesting Jamaa Journal pages.

Also, it's been confirmed that raccoons are going to be the new animals. The hat contest entries are still being sorted…

What I think is the highlight of this update is the new party! It's not just another party where the only reason people go is to buy things, it's the Paradise Party.

It's a wide expanse of streams, lush plant life, and birds of paradise which can be clicked and added to the Birds of Paradise Journey Book. It's probably the largest room in Jamaa. I love it! In my opinion, it's the best party on AJ EVER!
They should make entire LANDS like this!
Sadly, it says that the birds of paradise are only visiting. I hope that I just misinterpreted that word and they stay forever!

And now, the new items.

In the Paradise Party…

In Jam Mart Clothing…

Well, I guess this is it for now. Happy 125 years of National Geographic! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Friendship Items + Daily Explorer Article

Hi jammers! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was and still am a little sick. I'll try to continue posting regularly, but sometimes I cant. Just remember I'll never quit blogging without warning. :)

The item sold yesterday was a large and shimmery barrel of treasure.

Is that a whale with a crown?

The items sold today however, are land items. Sold in the rarely occurring Friendship Party.

Even though pink is not my favorite color, I like both of these items.

There is also a new Daily Explorer article that's different from the regular News Crew things and Epic Dens. 
View it below this sentence, and maybe even click it!

The reason they put up this post is probably because there are rarely any official Friendship Parties (which is most likely unintentional) so jammers can make their own.

Also, AJHQ changed up the main page! 

Why Times New Roman? The other font was just fine.
.:EDIT:. Oh wait, they changed it back. There's another player log in thing though.

That's all for now. Have a happy Friendship Festival!

Monday, February 11, 2013

RIM + 100,000 Gems

...Hello again! That update was pretty short (for me, at least) and is over, so I now know what the item is. Yay. 

It didn't occur to me that it was a Rare Item Monday and that AJHQ posted about it on their blog. Hehe… Sorry… Don't hurt me please.

 I looked in the Animal Jam store the other day and found this. You can now (with real money) buy 100,000 gems! Although in my opinion, it's a little more fun to earn 100,000 gems the regular way: playing games. C'mon, if you have the time, try it! I did it before.

   One last thing before I do the regular "see you in Jamaa!" goodbye. A few of you (on AJ and in the comments) have been asking me to take down the word verification. The reason I have it up is to prevent spam, so I can't. Sorry. :(
Some of you are familiar with non-robotic spam, which is just an irrelevant comment (such as just "hi") from a reader. It's a little different from robot spam. Robot spam is often an advertisement for something, such as "Come to our horrible store at [insert location here] for a wide selection of useless junk." It's posted by bots.
   Word verification helps stop the robots from publishing their comments, so there aren't any annoying ads on the blog.
  Oh, and yes I do have comment moderation on. I just find it annoying if I go to my blogger dashboard and get all happy about seeing a comment and find out it's just an ad for a gaming system that I don't need.

I just typed up a paragraph on word verification. I should really go get a life now.

See you in Jamaa!


Hello Jammers! If you read the title, you'll know that… just read the title.

Animal Jam is currently being updated, so I can't tell you what the new item is right now.

In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of a green hamster in a tea cup.

And now…

We wait.





Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bouquet of Roses

Hello Jammers! The new item brought to stores today is rereleased, and definitely Valentine-ish.

Pinkish pollen floats up from the top of these flowers. These are sold in Jam Mart Furniture on the first page, if you're wondering.

I think there is also another item sold in the Friendship Party. From what I've heard it looks exactly like the crystal in Jam Mart Furniture only pink.
Noncoincidentally, it's called "Pink Crystal"
Sadly, since there isn't a Friendship Party right now, I have no picture. :(

That's all of the news for today. See you in Jamaa!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Heart Locket

Hellu players of Animal Jam! As I said the day before yesterday, I wouldn't be able to post. That was correct as I didn't yesterday, but I'm back now!

The item of today is sold in Jam Mart Clothing. 

This locket has always been very popular. It's cheap and it comes in all of the original colors. :)
Ha, yesterday I traded a load for a green one of these! Oh well. X)

Sadly, that's all the new stuff that I've found. 

Happy Friendship Festival! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Hello, players of Animal Jam! There is one new item today. It's rereleased, non member, and sold in Jam Mart Furniture. 

It's interactive too! Click the box and it opens! :)

My poll has closed, and all of the votes are here.

It appears that most of you who voted are unsure if I should delete the codes page and replace it. I guess the page is pretty useful. For now, I'll leave it up.

And by the way, there's a small chance that I won't be able to post tomorrow or this weekend, but it's still pretty likely that I will be.

That's all for now. See you in Jamaa!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart Eyepatch

 Hello, players of Animal Jam! The new item being sold today is under the sea in Bahari Bargains! :)

I really like this item! It comes in lots of colors and in my opinion, it's pretty cool. Not much else to say about that… ^^;

I was just prancing around in Animal Jam yesterday doing the usual. You know, trading, looking for things to do. I accidentally clicked a koalas name tag, and I noticed it looked… slightly different.
Here is the different koala picture versus what I remember them looking like:

< Slightly different

             Original koala >

This koala I clicked looked the same as it usually did, but it's player card didn't. The new lines are a bit less pixelated and more three dimensional, but not entirely. I've noticed sort of the same thing with bunny player cards too . 
   Plus the new animals! If you solved the puzzle 100% in the Jamaa Journal and saw the raccoon, you'll probably notice it's… made a different way than original animals available in beta testing. This is the case with arctic wolves, snow leopards, and foxes. 
Despite all of these player card changes, I doubt that they'll make the actual gaming experience 3D. I think they have gotten quite a few complaints about the 3D-turning of clothing items. Most likely, AJHQ is probably just having slight changes take place to have things a bit less pixelated.

Now what do you think? Comment below! :)

Happy Friendship Festival!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Heart Earmuffs

Hello, players of Animal Jam! Today as usual, there's one new item for sale. This time, it's sold on the first page in the Shiveer Shoppe.

In the "Friendship Day spirit," but not really my thing. What do you think about these?

Speaking of Friendship Day, there hasn't been a Friendship Party for me since last week! And even now I look at the party list and it's not even there. 
Maybe it's one of the few remaining glitches, maybe they are changing up the party, or maybe there are just too many other parties? 
What do you think? Comment below! :)

That's all for now, See you in Jamaa!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Rare Item Monday~ Rare Knight Helmet

Hi Jammers! Today is monday, which means that AJHQ has put a rare item in an Animal Jam store for one day only. Get it while you can!
Actually, monday also means that I have to post later than normal. Sorry.

They've decided to be nicer and make this helmet available for all players! 
Expensive, but it's worth every gem. You get to be a purple and turquoise knight!

Since there's nothing much else to add… Here's a bad drawing of a platypus that I made in 5 minutes.

See you in Jamaa!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Heart Balloon

Hi Jammers! There's one new item today that is sold in Jam Mart Clothing. It's rather pink and floaty.

(The picture has a lock on it because I took it on my non member account.)
It's a nice item, and the colors can be changed. 

Wow. There's not much else to tell you about. I don't have any new art to post either.
I guess I'll go draw something…

See you in Jamaa!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Save The Giant Pandas!

Hello yet again. There is a serious issue that I feel very strongly about. I have a large argument against the killing and disrespect of giant pandas and destruction of bamboo forests that I feel a need to tell you about.
Although this isn't necessarily about Animal Jam, it is about the lives and safety of a beautiful animal.

I really hate it how people think giant pandas are so destructive, when HUMANS ARE EVEN MORE SO! They destroy oceans, forests, EVEN AIR, killing countless animals (and people) each day, driving species to extinction, turning earth grey with pollution, when all the giant pandas do is eat some bamboo and roll around.

And yes, while pandas can attack you, they do it only if provoked. Humans sometimes attack without any provoking. They just go up to say, a dog and kick it sometimes, just to let out their small insignificant rage.

While people argue about "how giant pandas are destroying bamboo forests" they should seriously keep in mind that humans do even more serious damage to the forests than pandas ever will.
"Oh! But pandas eat LOADS every day!" Yeah? Well they NEED TO DO SO TO SURVIVE! Humans eat tons even if they aren't hungry.

"WELL PANDAS ARE EATING ALL THE BAMBOO SO WE CANT GET ANY FOR OURSELVES!" Oh please. Humans have COUNTLESS food sources, and pandas have only, what, two? Most humans only eat bamboo just to say, add some flavor to something. There are few who literally LIVE off of it. People should keep in mind that if all the bamboo goes away, the average panda couldn't simply just give up their own nature and eat what? Carrion? Plastic? That's not how the world works– that's not how NATURE works.

It's basically like dumping someone on Mars and saying that the only food source is the dust or ice that may or may not kill them.

Above all, the most selfish thing I've heard about pandas is "What can a stupid panda do for us amazing humans?" First of all, pandas aren't stupid. Humans only know what humans are told by other humans. And some other humans observed pandas and using assumptions that were told to THEM by other humans to "determine" that they were stupid. It's, in a way, animal racism. What I mean by that is for example, say a person walked into another country. The person noticed that none of the other people there were speaking their own language, and outright guessed that they were stupid. Then they went back to their own country and told everyone that the other country was stupid.
It's also sad, really, how some people say that they are against racism and how some people should "watch what they say to others" when they just call animals stupid. Is this making any sense to you…?
Animals could know things that humans never dreamed of. And yet, some humans refuse to respect them or believe that.


I truly love pandas. Please, if you ever get the chance to donate towards their conservation, please do. The main goal of conserving pandas is to release them back into the wild where they are happy. Spread the word.

Buddy of the Month~ February

Hi again! Instead of filling this section of the post with fluff, I might as well get to the actual Buddy of the Month. I have a serious post coming soon, and not much time.

The February Buddy of the Month is…


This is Furryfruit73. She has been my best friend (and only friend at school) for over seven years. Fruity is the one who introduced me to this game, and encouraged me to make this blog. She knows me much better than others, because of the amount of time we have been friends. We rarely talk to each other anymore, not because we don't like each other, but because now we can only talk to each other for 15 minutes (and maybe a quick 2 minutes online every week) every day. That is because in school, free time is only 30 minutes, but the monitors hate us so they keep cutting down our time. I know this has drifted away from the topic of AJ, so I will stop now.

By the way, she has an Animal Jam blog that after a long one month pause she has started posting on again. Please check it out if you have the time. :)
Click here to see it.



Heart Necklace

Hi Jammers! Today the new item is rereleased, underwater, and a necklace. :)

Not my type of item, but it's certainly in the Friendship Day mood.

Speaking of Friendship Day, yesterday there was finally a Friendship Party! They're rather spaced out… One for me one afternoon, and not another until midnight. 
Anyway, I went to the Friendship Party. It's a princess castle with many pink decorations, in fact most everything there is pink! The only part of this party that I dislike a whole lot is that the music playing is…. the Jam Mart music. I think it's pretty unfitting. 

That's all for now Jammers. See you in– Oh right! It's February now, so I will tell you who the Buddy of the Month is shortly.

See you in Jamaa!